Checking, if a Database exists

Stefan Von Torklus stefanvt at
Thu Nov 20 04:08:14 CST 2008


I have a strange problem.
I create a database, the file exists. And on shutdown I close/flush the database.

The next start I expected, that the get_Exists()-Method of I_Disk_Location notices, that
the database already exists. But it always say, that it does not.

I_Disk_Location* pLocation = CreateDiskLocation(filename);
if(pLocation->get_Exists()) {
    //open -> never!
} else {
   //create -> always! :-(

Do I missunderstood this Method?
I don't want to use some system dependent/Non-Valentina method for this. And I'm sure, there is a way,
but I can't find a suitable method for it in the valentina-interfaces header...

Would be glad, if someone may point me to the right direction...

best regards,

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