Encryption API

Jason Moehlman jmoehlma at moehlman.com
Fri Feb 29 06:49:10 CST 2008


I am trying to implement encryption on the DB now.  I have the  
following questions.

1. Can you still encrypt the DB structure and records like the v2  
Kernel manual describes?  Or can you just encrypt the structure or  
data records now?  If you can how do you do it, and can you specify 2  
different passwords like you could with v2?

2. Is there a reference for the methods for the encryption, the Wiki  
docs and older kernel PDF manual seem to reference constants and  
methods that no longer exist or have different names.  IE UsePassword - 
 > now UseEncryptionKey.  kRecordsOnly or kStructure no longer seem to  

So far I have only been able to get the data to encrypt using the  
vcdb.Encrypt("password") and to access  

Any help, docs, etc would really be appreciated as well as a better  
description of what features are actually still supported for  
encrypting a DB.  Ideally I would like to be able to do what was  
documented in the v2 pdf kernel manual of using a separate key for  
structure and data, but just being able to do structure and data with  
a single password would work.



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