difference between "get" and "put" with API way and RunRev

william humphrey shoreagent at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 17:01:19 CDT 2008

I discovered that if I

  get VDatabase_SqlSelect( gDatabase, tSQL4 )
  put it into CursorRef_consignees
  get VCursor_GetRecords(cursorRef_consignees,1,112,tab,return )
  put it into tResult
  put tResult into field "theConsigneeData" of card id 1002 of stack

I get no error but when I say:

put VDatabase_SqlSelect( gDatabase, tSQL4 ) into CursorRef_consignees
put VCursor_GetRecords(cursorRef_consignees,1,112,tab,return ) -- new line
 into field "theConsigneeData" of card id 1002 of stack "Consignees"

then for those records where VCursor_GetRecords returns no records because
there are none I get this error:


Type Function: error in function handler

Object Client Card

Line get VCursor_GetRecords(cursorRef_consignees,1,112,tab,return )

Hint VCursor_GetRecords

Can someone please explain this to me?  If the above returns some records I
don't get any error.  And even then it is inconsistent as sometimes it
doesn't error even then.

Thanks like always,


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