FR: have the errors as an internal errortable

Ivan Smahin ivan_smahin at
Mon Sep 24 08:16:33 CDT 2007

Hello Bart,

Monday, September 24, 2007, 3:47:28 PM, you wrote:

> Then there is one more thing to round it off.

> I think the errors.xml file belongs inside the engine as a systable  
> (maybe it already is).

Currently it is stored in xmls.

> I'm hoping for a system where we can query the
> system errors table (all defined errorstates) so that we can build  
> our own "sister"tables having the same errorid but translated error  
> messages and more elaborated comments so we can feed this back to the
> calling API in a , for our users, more readable form

We  were  planning that localizable version of that xmls will be placed
in appropriate folder. I.e.

> Does that mean that transactions will be implicit ?
> Or does that mean that there would not be a problem for calling  
> rollback without having a transaction?

> Or do I just have to wait and see  

There is too early to speak about it. :)

Best regards,
Ivan Smahin 
Senior Software Engineer
Paradigma Software, Inc
Valentina - The Ultra-Fast Database

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