[ANN] Valentina 3.4 ready.

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Fri Sep 21 21:37:55 CDT 2007

Hi All,

You can download from both sites new Valentina 3.4.

This is list of changes:

kernel - 3.4
- 0002656: [Feature Request] Last_RecID( [dbName] ) sql-function returns
last inserted recID. (ivan) - resolved.
- 0002650: [SQL] crash with UNION + ORDER (ivan) - resolved.
- 0002326: [Data Editor Related] Inserting a picture crashes valentina
studio (ruslan) - resolved.
- 0002644: [Binary Link] Inconsistent results using Binary Links (ruslan) -
- 0002609: [XML Dump] Loading XML file produced by Table.dump() with
db.LoadDump crashes. (ivan) - resolved.

V4MD - 3.4
- 0002616: [Other] init() and initclient() don't work correct together
(ruslan) - resolved.

VStudio - 3.4
- 0002654: [SQL Editor] autocomplete dictionary does not refresh
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002626: [Diagrams] The maximum size of a diagram seems to be hardcoded
(ruslan) - resolved.
- 0002631: [Other] VStudio crashes after idle time (15min) (igor_nikita) -
- 0002655: [Stored Procedures] WHEN OTHERs now can be used without WHEN ERR
(ruslan) - resolved.
- 0002625: [Diagrams] Add the ability to rename diagrams (igor_nikita) -
- 0002648: [Dialogs] Ordering of valentina tables in popup (igor_nikita) -
- 0002636: [Diagrams] Table SysDiagrams is not hidden from view
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002643: [Pictures] It needs switch code to use of JPG, TIFF formats
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002618: [Views] image prview don't work in vstudio (ruslan) - resolved.
- 0002639: [Diagrams] Refreshing crashes VStudio (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002629: [Encryption] XPM: Pixel-Daten in falscher Form! (igor_nikita) -
- 0002637: [Diagrams] link created from create field does not get the
assigned name (igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002628: [Diagrams] Deleting a table via Diagram crashes VStudio
(igor_nikita) - resolved.
- 0002634: [Schema Editor] Deleting tables from a db inh schema editor
crashes VStudio (ivan) - resolved.
- 0002630: [Encryption] After typing the keys for Structure and data
encryption -> crash (ruslan) - resolved.
- 0002619: [Schema Editor] crash when you close shema editor (igor_nikita) -

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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