Beginners RB Valentia Question

Todd Fantz tfantz at
Sun Sep 16 14:11:59 CDT 2007


I am porting a Realbasic app from MySQL to Valentia. This is my first  
project using Valentia. So that I have to change the least amount of  
code (at least at first) I would like to use the VRBDatabase classes,  
which I gather uses the RB DB API, but I can't figure out how to  
specify a connection to a server. I understand how to use the  
VConnection with the VDatabase object, but the VRBDatabase object  
does not have the necessary host properties, nor can I seem to attach  
it to a VConnect object. Can anyone post a simple connection sequence  
to a server using VRBDatabase?

For the future there is also some mention of RBDBAPI v. Valentia  
classes as a "speed" issue. Does anyone have any tested or perceived  
difference between these options?


Todd Fantz
tfantz at

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