externals standalone

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Sat Sep 1 02:16:32 CDT 2007

On 1/9/07 8:05 AM, "chris livermore" <chrisliv at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

Hi Chris,

I do not catch. 3-4 days ago, you have say:
    okay now I can use that Install VComponents script.

So my expectation was that you also next second double click your APP and
see that it works fine, or report problem next minute.

But have gone 4 days, and you say -- it not works. Why so big delay?

> Any v4rev standalone I create does not work, whether they be mine,
> Valentina examples or tutorials. The app works fine in development
> but not in standalone. Hence, I'm guessing there is a problem with
> the external settings.

> I have followed the Mac deployment guide exactly re:
> 'Install_vcomponents... etc' and it creates OK.

So what is going on? How it not works?
Some error on double click of APP?

> It must be my standalone app settings in Rev, which are:
> [selected] Select inclusions for standalone...
> [checked] Ask dialog, Answer dialog, Cursors
> Script libraries: Database, Internet, Table, Valentina2
> Database support: Valentina, Valentina2

Do you use in your code V4REV API, or RevDB ?

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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