[V4RB] Compiling PPC on an Intel machine

Bill Mounce BillMounce at Comcast.net
Fri Oct 19 12:43:37 CDT 2007

I just switched to an Intel Mac. I tried using the carbon version of  
the Valentina plugin with REALBasic and found you can't do that, so I  
switched to the UB plugin.

However, now I cannot compile a PPC version of my app. I get errors  
in the compiled app showing that the compiled app can't find the plugin.

I tried putting both UB and PPC plugins into the plugin folder before  
compiling and that didn't seem to help.

Can anyone help?

1. Can I compile a PPC version of a RB + Valentina app from an Intel  

2. What plugin(s) should be in RB's plugin folder?



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