More problems building a Stansalone

Dave dave at
Thu Nov 22 12:32:09 CST 2007


We are having lots of problems but need to get something working now.  
So we have decided to revert back to an earlier version of the App.  
We need find out if we can build a standalone application for Mac and  
PC. When I build the Standalone under RunRev I get the following  
error: /Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-3/Runtime/Mac OS X/ 
Universal/Externals/Database Drivers/VXCMD_macho.bundle

When I do a search for VXCMD_macho.bundle, I see that it's in the  
following places:

/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-3/Runtime/Mac OS X/PowerPC/ 
Externals/Database Drivers/

/Applications/Revolution Studio/2.8.1-gm-3/Externals/Mac OS X/PowerPC/ 
Database Drivers/

I need the Intel or the Universal version of the RunRev External,  
where can I get it from?

Thanks a lot
All the Best

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