Create local database problem

Bart Pietercil bart.pietercil at
Mon May 21 08:55:47 CDT 2007

Hi List, Ruslan

I'm having trouble creating a local database on windows with V4RB.

Problem is the created database is always appended with .vdb  
extension. This is not happening on OSX.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening.

What I do is:

f = getSaveFolderitem(".myextension","afilename")

This works fine, it gives me a file with the name "test.cpf"
When I pass this folderitem to the Valentina.Create function, it  
returns a valid databasefile with the name "test.cpf.vdb"----> Not good

Can I prevent Valentina from appending its own extension, when there  
is already an extension ?


Bart Pietercil

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