REGEX search for whole line

jda jda at
Thu Jun 21 13:51:59 CDT 2007

>  > Yes, they are. But REGEX ignores indices, no?
>Not always.
>LIKE and REGEX can use INDEX SCAN if they see that operation is analog of
>I have to think more. May be you need it as
>    ...WHERE fld REGEX '.*^second line$.*'
>Because in your case it sounds FROM START to END,
>But you want find such line that have OTHER text around.

Hm, that doesn't work, I'm afraid.

Yes, basically I have a list of terms (e.g. names). Each record can 
have many names in a field, and are kept as a return-delimited string:

Smith, JD
Jones, RR
Wilson, K

When the user clicks on a name in a list, I want to display the 
record. So I may need to do a search for a name that's at the 
beginning, middle, or end.

I can do this with a combination of Valentina and RB commands, but it 
would be much neater if a simple REGEX search would always identify a 
record (and it can't be "beginning with", because 'Wil' should not 
match with 'Will').


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