Valentina 3 COM and Delphi

Martin S. blackfin at
Fri Jul 6 02:57:57 CDT 2007

Ivan Smahin schrieb:
>      V3 := CoValentina.Create;
>      V3.InitClient(10 * 1024 * 1024);
>      V3Conn := CoVConnection.Create;
>      V3Conn.Init('localhost','sa','sa',15432,20,'');
>      V3Conn.Open;

Unfortunately, it does not work ;(
In Delphi I've choosen "New => VCL Application", then "New => COM 
Object", named the new Object "Valentina" and selected "IValentina" in 
VCOM.dll as interface.
Then, Delphi generates some wrapper-code. When I try to start my program 
(without any additional code), I get an exception "For class TValentina 
type information is missed".
When I comment out the TValentina class (which is not needed in my eyes 
because everything goes over the interfaces an CO-Classes CoValentina, 
CoVconnection etc.),
I get an exception "Class not registered" and the debugger points to 
this code, which is automatically generated from the VCOM interface:

class function CoValentina.Create: IValentina;
  RegisterClass(CLASS_Valentina) ;
=>  Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_Valentina) as IValentina;

I use BDS 2006 with all service packs installed.

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