cursor position

jda jda at
Fri Dec 7 08:37:13 CST 2007

>On 7/12/07 4:17 PM, "jda" <jda at> wrote:
>Hi Jon,
>>  I'm getting some strange crashes when I do a myCursor.dropRecord. In
>>  investigating it, I found that when I do a search the cursor.position
>>  is set to 0. Even looping through a cursor wth .nextRecord doesn't
>>  change the value of myCursor.position -- it is always 0. Has
>>  cursor.position been deprecated? If so, what should we use?
>cursor.position      is not deprecated.
>So you report that after DropRecord() cursor.position becomes ZERO and do
>not changes after this ?
>What if
>     cursor.position  = SomeValue ?

No, it's worse than that.

I do a query -> x records.

If I ask what myCursor position is:

       i = myCursor.position

i = 0

If I do a myCursor.dropRecord -> immediate crash (no crash report).

Note that the query worked! I can get at each record with 
myCursor.nextRecord. But myCursor.position is always 0 (if I try to 
open myCursor in the RB debugger -> immediate crash, too).

Which Valentina example project should I try to reproduce this (most 
seem to be for VServer now and won't run for me)?


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