Starting and stopping VServer Office...

Jeff Justice listaccount at
Tue Aug 21 23:09:57 CDT 2007

Needed to change some license files around tonight.  I read the wiki  
on "Running Valentina Server in Terminal".

Question 1:  The wiki says to stop the server from the terminal to  
use "kill -3 vserver_process_id".  Is it also possible to simply  
select the VServer process in the Activity Monitor window and select  
"Quit Process", or is this not recommended?

Question 2:  Following the wiki instructions, I cannot get the server  
to restart without a complete reboot of the machine.  In the  
terminal, dragging the "VServer_Office" executable to a terminal  
window gives me:

mail:~ admin$ /Library/VServer_Office/

When I hit return I get:

-bash: /Library/VServer_Office/ is a directory.

Couldn't I simply double-click the executable in the finder?   
However, when I do this, it does one of two things, it either shows  
in the Activity Monitor, then immediately quits, or it stays  
launched, but becomes unresponsive after about 30 seconds.

End result still the same, a complete reboot of the machine.

Jeff J.

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