Simple WebSiphon template works with ValentinaLib 1.8.10, doesn't work with ValentinaLib 1.11

Steven Ronald stevenrt39 at
Mon Nov 13 21:51:11 CST 2006


I created a database using a websiphon template:

boRef_x=valMakeNewBaseObject( dbRef_xdb, "x" );
valMakeNewField( boRef_x, "foo1", "ULong");
valMakeNewField( boRef_x, "foo2", "ULong");
valMakeNewField( boRef_x, "foo3", "Double");

I then run this template:

cursorRef=valSQLSelect( dbRef_xdb, "SELECT * FROM x");
valAddRecord(cursorRef, [ ["foo1",43] ["foo2",2]
["foo3",0.34] ]);
valFlushDatabase( dbRef_xdb );
valRemoveCursor( cursorRef );

If I use ValentinaLib 1.8.10 I can run the first and
second templates successfully. However, if I delete
the database and repeat the process, but this time use
ValentinaLib 1.11, the first template will work - the
database is successfully created - but the second
template will not. I get the error

	# Runtime error: Can't be updated

at the line

valAddRecord(cursorRef, [ ["foo1",43] ["foo2",2]
["foo3",0.34] ]);

I am using WebSiphon 2.0.9 on MacOS 9.1.

If you go back into the code to fix ValentinaLib 1.11
can you also look at the bug that prevents accessing
ValentinaLib Prefs from within WebSiphon when using
ValentinaLib 1.11.

Best Regards,

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