BitSet operations

Joakim Schramm joakim at
Thu May 4 23:15:12 CDT 2006


Can you give some example on how to use BitSet operations? There is nothing
in the examples and I tried to browse the mailing list without finding
anything... There is a small part about it in the kernel doc but
unfortunately too sparse for me to really grasp how to use it - I am sure
it's very easy for you who have constructed it :-)

Basically what I want to do is this. I have a table were I like to find
records that has some values in common. Lets say I have f1 and f2, and I
have first done a FindLinked to get a sub set. I have 2 value e.g 30 and 12,
so I want to find all records that have these value 30 in f1 and 12 in f2 -
or a range in one of them if nil is returned, like 30 AND 11-13?

I am sure this is very simple and I could quite easy do it in SQL BUT I like
to learn working the API way with set's. If I have understand right
"Interception" has to do with AND and Union with OR, just not clear on the
rules in using the methods having more then 1 set.

Also, I know what "Difference", but again how it works with Set's - And what
is "SymmetricDifference"?


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