What are the steps to create a remote DB?

Kevin Windham kevo at gatorgraphics.com
Thu Mar 23 11:31:24 CST 2006

I am trying to use V4RB to create a remote DB on the server. I think  
I am missing a critical step.

Here is my code.

   dim DB as VDatabase
   dim file as FolderItem

   DB = new VDatabase("server","sa","sa")
   file = GetFolderItem("bizDB")

     DB.Create(file, EVDbMode.kDsc_Dat_Blb_Ind, 32 *1024)
   catch Verr as VException
     MsgBox Str(Verr.ErrorNumber) + ": " + Verr.Message
   end try

This simply causes my app to quit with no error. If I run in the  
debugger, my app crashes. In the docs it mentions that the folderItem  
should be the name of a registered database, but looking at the  
registerDatabase method, it seems to suggest this is for pre-existing  

I tried the same code except using DB.open and I got an exception  
stating that I have an invalid database name, so I think I am  
connecting to the server fine.

What am I missing?


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