Importing text files tables to data base

agustin porto_agus at
Wed Jun 14 11:43:29 CDT 2006

I'm using Valentina with director mx in a multiplatform project with several languages (spanish, english, french, german and portuguese), but I have some troubles:

1) I must show a lot of test that must be show correctly at any language of the listed above. I created the database with charcode latin9 (iso-8859-15). I see all chars correctly except o (a french char), it appears en latin9 but not in latin1 (iso-8859-1). It seems that Director can use latin1 but no latin9 and when I use that char in shows an unknown char. Inside the database y see the char correctly, so I supose that it´s not a problem of Valentina but Director.
I want to know if there is another way to show this char correctly as it do with the rest of chars.

2) I looking for an example of how to populate the links (binary links) and ObjectPtr fields. I populate my database from tables exported from Access as text files with fields separated by tabs and later I import the tables with the import command of Valentina. I want to transform this tables to a structure more apropiate to Valentina way of work but I don´t know exactly how. I must create the ObjectPtr fields in each table an later insert in the values with my own program reading tables and copying the recId field of the related table row to row? There is in the Valentina documentation an example of how to do that of the best and rapid way?

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