Error 2 when connecting to the V1 server

Don Toro don at
Tue Feb 28 10:27:20 CST 2006

I am not trying to connect to my V1 database as remote db through VStudio but as a local db. So here's my question. What should the path be to connect to my db through V1 Server? If I have two entries in master.vdb:

master	master.vdb
scip		scip.vdb

Then why can I connect to master.vdb and not to scip.vdb if they are both in the same directory? When VServer starts does it open both master.vdb and scip.vdb or just master.vdb. Sorry, for all the questions but I'm still trying to figure this out. Thanks.

Donard Toro
Information Manager/Computer Programmer
Thinking Publications, a division of
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-----Original Message-----
From: Ruslan Zasukhin [mailto:sunshine at]
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:21 AM
To: valentina at
Subject: Re: Error 2 when connecting to the V1 server

On 2/28/06 6:02 PM, "Don Toro" <don at> wrote:

> Another question. When I start VServer and I have the entry to my database in
> master.vdb, should I be able to open my database from VStudio?

For 2.x dbs and 2.x Vserver yes.

We already have told that support of 1.x Vserver was dropped 8-10 months

Probably we will try return back this Vstudio plugin.
It is not so easy, because interfaces of vstudio was changed

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

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