V4RB2 - Adding to cursor crash

Erne ernestogiannotta at tiscalinet.it
Thu Feb 9 23:51:16 CST 2006

Hello Ruslan,

I've found that if I try to use the 'recid= Cursor.AddRecord' method  
in a cursor that has an Order by clause
the app will crash


   SqlString = "Select Recid, * from " + mPerson.Name
   SqlString = SqlString + " Order by " + mPerson.Field(1).Name

   c = mDatabase.Sqlselect(SqlString, EVCursorLocation.kServerSide,  
EVLockType.kNoLocks, EVCursorDirection.kRandom)

   if not (c is nil) then
     dim x as Integer

     c.SetBlank EVValueAccess.forAdd
     c.Field(1).SetString "0"
     x = c.AddRecord  // CRASH!

is this a known limitation or should I file a bug report on Mantis?

Cool Runnings,

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