How to get the value of a FixedBinary field

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Thu Aug 3 09:50:09 CDT 2006

On 8/3/06 2:33 AM, "Matthew Jew" <mjew at> wrote:

Hi Matthew, 

> I have been accessing normal values in my table like this:
> anArticleTable->byteSize->get_Value()->get_ULong()
> How do I read the value for a FixedBinary field?

Please look into file


Here you can find Value_Raw -- parent class

And few its childs:

typedef Value_Raw_T<blob_traits, kTypeFixedBinary>    Value_fixedbinary;
typedef Value_Raw_T<blob_traits, kTypeVarBinary>      Value_varbinary;
typedef Value_Raw_T<blob_traits, kTypePicture>        Value_picture;

So you need cast to I_ValueBinary, then use its methods:

// Interface I_ValueBinary:

virtual ulong                get_Data( uchar* outDataBuffer, ulong
inBufferSize ) const throw();

virtual void                put_Data( uchar* inDataBuffer, ulong
inBufferSize ) throw();

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

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