Stress tests

Russ Tyndall fitzbew at
Mon Apr 24 12:34:52 CDT 2006

On 4/24/06 12:37 AM, "Kem Tekinay" <ktekinay at> wrote:

> My conclusion: Even at its slowest, Valentina truly is ridiculously fast.

I've done no testing at Kem's level, but I've been familiarizing myself with
V4RB 2.x and Vserver over the last few weeks.

As an exercise, I converted a Valentina 1.x db to 2.x and re-coded an app to
work as a client app (although app and db were never intended to be run in
such a way!).

This app uses a rather badly designed db with 11 tables. Some tables have
30k records, some a few thousand, one table has a million+ records. (Long

App runs a horrible query that selects 36 fields from 7 tables, does 6
joins, checks for 18 values using "OR", and sorts on 4 fields.

Desktop-based version of app using 1.x took a second or two to run this

Test query returns 1,000 records.

Amazingly, sometimes V4RB/VSRV returns this *client* side 36-field 1k-record
cursor to my app on XP 2.5 ghz machine in under 2 seconds! (Vserver is
running on X.4.6, DP 800mhz machine.)  Even running app on 800mhz G4 X.2.8
iMac, cursor is returned in 3-4 seconds! This is including network transfer!

This is on small office network, 3-4 computers behind an off-the-shelf
Netgear router.

Bottom line: In my environment, Vsrv/V4rb 2.3 is performing close to 1.x
desktop-based app! And, this is without any vlinks, or other Valentina
speed-enhancing mechanisms.  Frankly, I don't even see how this is possible.
And compared to most of you, I have poor db skills.

If you have not yet added Valentina 2.x (and Vserver!) to your development
toolkit, I urge you to take a careful look at these products. So far, I have
not even been able to put any strain on Vserver. I have not even been able
to get it to show any CPU consumption in Activity Monitor.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC

P.S.:  Paradigma is bundling 5-connection copy of Vserver with 2.x
upgrades/new licenses until the end of the month.  I am only a customer, I
have no other relationship with Paradigma outside of endlessly nagging
Ruslan and helping with the docs a little.

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