VDatabase In an RB Module

Alex Lindsay alindsay at mac.com
Sat Oct 1 06:59:23 CDT 2005

This is what I do.  I actually have categories of preferences so I can 
read/write a set of preferences at one time.  I use a dictionary as the 
main container that passes the preferences back and forth to the 
database module.  This allows me to load all the preferences for a 
window, for instance, into a dictionary that is a property of the 
window, then all RB code just accesses the dictionary.  Works well 
enough that I haven't had any issues.

Thank you,

Alex Lindsay
On Sep 29, 2005, at 1:35 PM, jda wrote:

>> Some of it is pretty straight forward.
>> [1] Create the module.
>> [2] Set up the properties of the database and table(s).
> My advice is to create a record with generic properties:
> integerField
> booleanField
> textField
> etc. (more than one of the same type if needed).
> Have one field called 'propertyName' (or whatever).
> Then create a record for each property you want to install and use the 
> appropriate field to store the value. For example, to store a boolean 
> for showing/hiding a palette, you might create a record where
> propertyName = 'showPallete'
> and
> booleanField = true/false
> When you want to fetch the preference value, do an sql search for a 
> record WHERE propertyName = 'showPalette' and retrieve booleanField.
> This way you can add or remove preferences without having to change 
> the schema for the db (which only causes headaches when you upgrade 
> your product).
> Jon
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