Table of a VFeld from a VCursor

Ed Kleban Ed at
Mon Nov 21 13:47:23 CST 2005

>> I did a little experiment, and it appears that VField.Table returns a
>> reference to the VCursor.  But VCursor is not a subclass of VTable;
>> that is, theCursor IsA VTable returns false.  Ruslan, you've got some
>> explaining to do.
> In C++  I_Cursor is subclass of I_Table.
> But in REALbasic we have not implement this on tech reasons.
>     interfaces have many bugs in RB

This is great news.  I'd like to request that if and when you choose to
clean this up that you NOT remove the functionality that permits access to
the VCursor.  

Some possible ways to this are:

1) implement VField.Table and VField.Cursor as methods rather than
properties... But the method invocations would incur more overhead than a
simple property access, so I'm not thrilled with this one.

2) Change the name of the property from "Table" to something else like
Source -- a really bad idea because it is not backward compatible.

3) Leave functionality the way it is but update the document to explain the
way things really work; namely that in the case of a VField obtained by
means of one of a VCursor's field methods, that the Table property returns
the associated VCursor, not a VTable.  -- May not be the best naming
convention, may not be the best implementation, but it's darn valuable to be
able to access this.

I should probably write up a request for this as well under the "Fix
Documentation" category.

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