Setting Unique

Ed Kleban Ed at
Sun Nov 20 07:14:02 CST 2005

On 11/20/05 2:11 AM, "Ruslan Zasukhin" <sunshine at> wrote:

> On 11/20/05 9:58 AM, "Ed Kleban" <Ed at> wrote:
>>>>>> But what happens if you set the unique flag, and the table gets indexed,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> it turns out the value really aren't unique?
>>>>> Valentina refuse add such record.
>>>> I'm not sure what that means.  If you have already added all the records
>>>> and
>>>> then enable the unique flag, what happens?
>>> Ah, I see
>>>> Does Valentina refuse to set the unique flag?
>>> YES. It will try to build index and fail,
>>> And set OFF flag again
>> Ah, good. So I can either look for an error being thrown, and/or test the
>> state of the Unique flag after setting it.
> Actually I no self wonder.
> v2 allow you set fUnique, but still do not have fIndexed.
> I.e. Index building will happens later.
> I not remember if we have protect SUCH case

Ok, then let me rephrase that:

So I can set first the unique and then the indexed flags, and look to catch
any error that may be thrown, and then check the value of the unique flag?
> ** in V1 when you set fUnique, Valentina self have set fIndexed in the same
> time.

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