DateTimes, LLongs and other 8-byte fields.

Charles Yeomans yeomans at
Fri Nov 18 15:29:19 CST 2005

On Nov 18, 2005, at 1:29 AM, Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:

> On 11/18/05 2:58 AM, "Charles Yeomans" <yeomans at> wrote:
>>>>> In terms of C++
>>>>>     GetString for integer executes   itoa()
>>>> That is most unfortunate, at least for my interests.  So then, we're
>>>> back to
>>>> where we started, name the point where I stood up on a soapbox and
>>>> proclaimed:
>>> Hmm.
>>> But
>>>    dim v as integer = fldLong.Value
>>> Give you binary value. What can be more ?!
>> But what about LLong fields?  Recall that REALbasic lacks eight-byte
>> integer types.
> Sorry, this is question to REAL :-)
>     right now V4RB do NOT support int64.
>     you can assign value only via Strings.
> As only REAL will implement int64, we will add .Value for LLong

No, this is question to Paradigma.  What does fld.GetString return when 
fld is a LLong?  Does it return an eight-byte string containing the  
integer data?  Does it return a string containing the representation of 
the string in arabic numerals?

I believe this is at least the third time I have asked the same 
question.  If you just don't want to answer, please so inform me.

Charles Yeomans

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