DateTimes, LLongs and other 8-byte fields.

Ruslan Zasukhin sunshine at
Fri Nov 18 01:12:30 CST 2005

On 11/17/05 11:59 PM, "Ed Kleban" <Ed at> wrote:

>>> Wait guys.
>>>     longFld.GetString()
>>> Return normal string. Not binary
> Thankyou for making my point.  Clearly you read a different meaning into the
> word "String" than I ended up concluding was really meant.  Depending upon
> precisely what you mean, I'm sure you can read in the RB documentation
> places where it will tell you that a string can contain binary.

Right, I know this.

But fld.GetString() returns normal string which you can show in edit field
for example.

> Consider
> for example the difference between the definitions in the language reference
> for len(aString) and lenB(aString).
> The only way to resolve this is to answer the question Charles asks below.

> You have to give us a concrete example using quoted string characters "Like
> this" and Hex like this:  0h12F34285    -- without that there's just know
> way to have a good clue of either what longFld.GetSting() does or what you
> mean to say -- short of looking at one of your fine code examples which is
> another way of accomplishing the same thing.

In terms of C++

    GetString for integer executes   itoa()

Best regards,

Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc

Valentina - Joining Worlds of Information

[I feel the need: the need for speed]

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