SQLexecute UPDATE error (V4MD 1.11)

Giacomo Vernoni giacomo at way-out.it
Thu Mar 24 18:06:25 CST 2005

Hello everybody,

I am having the same problem that a few people had before with 
SQLexecute and the UPDATE command.
The query:

nr_rows = SQLexecute (myDB, "UPDATE myTable SET myField = '0'")

returns the right number of rows affected, but the fields are not 
I have read that there is a "newer" 1.11 version (I have the one from 
september 29, 2004) but I can't find it anywhere, the new site doesn't 
have older files (some links are broken, ftp doesn't work...)

I don't have the time now to test and convert all the code to version 
2, and I must end my project in a few days.

Is there a mirror or a link where I can find the new 1.11 version of 
the Xtra (mac/win)?
Or maybe someone can mail it to me?
I have found the http://www.novaint.com/paradigmasoft/ mirror but it 
hosts the old files.



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