compilation Classic failed in rb2005

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Tue Jun 21 17:25:30 CDT 2005

>On 6/21/05 4:25 PM, "Robert Brenstein" <rjb at> wrote:
>>  Too bad that Paradigma does not have resources to keep V1 as a Lite
>>  line of products, at least for a few years, the transition period, to
>>  serve those behind the technology frontlines and those with little
>>  needs.
>Resources for what ???
>Future development of has no sense.
>Bug fixes... Was made few.
>We will get 1.12 release sooner or later.

Keeping it as a Lite line would not mean further development. Here we 
agree. But bux fixes and tweaking, if only to keep it working with 
new OS releases, or dealing with users, does require some resources 
(I mean time and effort).

I need to search for my list of V1 glitches and enter them into bug 
tracker, so they get fixed :)


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