older database with a65 server
Chris Sheffield
cm_sheffield at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 6 10:43:07 CST 2005
I hope you're watching the list. I've got a problem
that I'm pretty sure is related to the VXCMD client,
and it needs to be fixed ASAP. My program is running
a simple UPDATE query: "UPDATE Students SET
LoggedIn=0 WHERE LoggedIn=1". Do you see a problem
with this query? I don't, but it's not working. If
it only has to update one record, it does work. If it
has to update multiple records, it appears to run
correctly (the SQLExecute function even returns the
number of rows selected), but the data in the database
does *not* get changed.
I have run the query through ViSQL and it works
perfectly. It seems to be some weird problem between
the client VXCMD and VServer. I have had other
similar problems in the past, but in those cases I was
able to perform the updates by creating a cursor first
and then performing the necessary tasks. But that is
not working in this case for some reason.
Can you *please* take a look at this as soon as
possible? I'm way past my deadline on this and I
don't think there's a problem in my code.
Thank you,
Chris Sheffield
--- Chris Sheffield <cm_sheffield at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'm not really quite sure how to explain this
> problem,
> but I'll do my best.
> I've run into a fairly big problem. My company
> recently released an update to our software, which
> included the a65 version of VServer. Our initial
> release was back in Sept '04 and used version a63 of
> VServer. We thoroughly tested the new update and
> everything was working fine when we released it a
> couple weeks ago.
> But the last couple days we've had customers start
> calling in who have installed the update (OS X
> version) and are now experiencing problems with
> their
> databases. So my first questions is this: is there
> anything that might cause a conflict with the older
> database and VServer a65? I have had customers send
> me their database files, and sure enough, there are
> certain UPDATE queries my program runs that do not
> actually update the records of the database. I have
> checked this queries and the SQLExecute function
> indicates that rows were indeed affected, but not
> change actually occurs in the data. Another weird
> thing is that if I revert back to VServer a63, the
> same queries work fine on the same database files.
> It's very bizarre. So I'm wondering if something
> changed with a65 that made it so older databases
> will
> not work with it. If this is the case, is there
> anything that can be done so my customers won't have
> to lose all their data? Has anyone had similar
> problems?
> I can provide database files, SQL code, and further
> details if necessary.
> Thanks,
> =====
> Chris Sheffield
> Read Naturally
> www.readnaturally.com
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