Cursor size and memory/speed

Keith DeLong delong at
Fri Feb 18 10:19:09 CST 2005

Hi Ruslan,
> Hi Keith,
>> Running a number of experiments on 50,000 record sets, Ruslan confirms my
>> suspicions as to how Valentina obtains and manages the cursor.
>> After thinking about my particular problem for some months, it is good to
>> hear Ruslan say these types of algorithms are much deceptively hard!
> What exactly task you have ?

Same task I've been wrestling with for some months. The tasks is to get the
most recent entry in a table for a given worker. I've explored a lot of
solutions. For several years I used a separate table to record the last
entry. After lots of minor issues with this solution, I experimented using
the max function (which is unreliable with doubles if you remember from last
fall), and finally settled on just getting all records ordered by date/time
(the seconds actually) and using cur.recordcount to access the record.

A situation that seemed so straight forward proved to have many issues along
the way when one starts editing, deleting, and otherwise managing the data.
> Are on on beta list ?

> Have you see new features of 2.0 ?

Only from reading what's on the list. I've been busy ;-)

My Virtual TimeClock commercial software was delayed for a major update for
more than a year through 2003 waiting for the long promised Valentina
Server. When our discussions helped me realize I did not need most of the
power of a database server, I took about six months in 2004 and wrote my own
client-server implementation using sockets in RB 5.5. We ran a beta with a
couple dozen clients through the fall and released it last December. Our
RB/V4RB 1.11 client-server implementation is working flawlessly :-)

As I was working on a minor update release I ran across a customer who was
growing a database quite quickly so I was evaluating the solution above with
a projected 2-10 years data involved.

> May be they can help resolve your task better...
> And may be you will invite few new features as Oliver do last days :-)

I look forward to exploring the new options available in 2.0. Our new
release gives us some breathing room so I plan to take a good look at 2.0 in
the next couple of months. Once I am comfortable with the stability and
maturity of 2.0, I hope it allows me to update all of my projects.


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