FindLinkedSingle ?

Ed Kleban Ed at
Mon Dec 12 08:24:25 CST 2005

On 12/12/05 2:47 AM, "Ruslan Zasukhin" <sunshine at> wrote:

> On 12/12/05 7:19 AM, "Ed Kleban" <Ed at> wrote:
>> There's no FindLinkedSingle call in the API.
>> Any reason why not?
> How you can be sure ?
> Aha, sure is only if you move in director to : 1


You can be sure if you've already done a lookup to determine count -- a
function which V2 DOES offer.

You can be sure if you're keeping a separate count so you already know if
there is a link and how many links, but just not which link -- which I often
do so that I don't incur the overhead for a needless lookup.

And you can be sure if the relation ship is 1:1 or M:1, as you point out.

And the benefits are:

    1) Cleaner syntax

    2) Less call and return processing overhead

    3) You immediately stop searching as soon as you find one.

... and leads to a whole separate question about BinaryLink Lookup and
Management efficiency that came up while sleeping last night and which I'll
include in a separate email later.


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