Efficient use of text-containing field

jda jda at his.com
Mon Dec 5 22:25:21 CST 2005

>If not, then the String(16) approach is probably your best bet, because as I
>noted you can't index a field declared as IndexByWords.  If speed is a total
>non issue and you only needed do the sort once after filling the table and
>then using it read-only you could certainly use the String(16) approach to
>sort, then fill in a SortOrder field based upon the result, and then throw
>the String(16) field away... Or build the String(16) array in a parallel
>temporary table that you subsequently punt.
>Hope that helps.

Thank you, but I need the VarChar to store the data (which can be 
large) and is indexed by word. That is why I need a sort method that 
is not indexed by word. My question to Ruslan is whether VarChar(16) 
saves me storage space. Ruslan?


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