Exporting to Text

Beatrix Willius bwillius at gmx.de
Mon Dec 5 18:42:42 CST 2005


I want to export a Valentina database to a tab separated text file.  
The standard Valentina export is not used, because I want to give the  
user some feedback regarding the export when the databases get a bit  
bigger.  How can I speed the below code up? From what I tried it  
seems that the loop through the records and fields and getting the  
strings takes the most time.

The variable theArchiveFolderitem is (guess what?) as non-nil  
folderitem. The variable theDatabase is a Valentina database.

dim theCursor as VCursor
   theCursor = theDatabase.SqlSelect("select * from message" ,  
kV_Server, kV_ReadWrite, kV_Random)
   theArchive = theArchiveFolderitem.CreateBinaryFile("text")

   dim FieldValue as String
   dim theLine as new StringHandleMBS
   dim FieldCount as integer = theDatabase.BaseObject 
   dim RecordCount as Integer = theCursor.RecordCount
   'Loop through each row and save
   for currentRecord as integer = 1 to RecordCount
     theCursor.CurrentPosition = currentRecord

     'get the values and add to line
     for currentField as integer = 1 to FieldCount
       if theCursor.Field(currentField).isNull then
         FieldValue = ""
         FieldValue = theCursor.Field(currentField).GetString
       end if

       'set encoding
       FieldValue = DefineEncoding(FieldValue, Encodings.MacRoman)

       'replace return and tab
       if InStr(FieldValue, EndOfLine) > 0 then
         FieldValue = ReplaceAll(FieldValue, EndOfLine, "\return")
       end if
       if InStr(FieldValue, chr(9)) > 0 then
         FieldValue = ReplaceAll(FieldValue, chr(9), "\tab")
       end if

       'add to line
       if theLine.Len = 0 then
         theLine.Add FieldValue
         theLine.Add chr(9) + FieldValue
       end if

     'write in pieces of 1 MB
     if theLine.Len > 1000 * 1024 then
       theArchive.Write theLine.Copy + EndOfLine
       theLine.Delete 1, theLine.Len
     elseif currentRecord = theCursor.RecordCount then
       'write end of archive
       theArchive.Write theLine.Copy
     end if


Using Valentina 1.11 RB with RB 2005.4 on Mac OS 10.4

Any ideas are appreciated.

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