VBaseObject not exist [V4RB 2.0]

Bill Mounce BillMounce at Comcast.net
Sun Aug 21 16:48:15 CDT 2005

Basic question,

I am moving a project from RB 5.5.5 to RB 2005 but am still using  
Valentina 1.11. When I go to a class named boParse, formerly it was  
listed as a VBaseObject. If I run the project I receive the error  
that boParse superclass VBaseObject does not exist. If I go to  
boParse in the IDE and click on the disclosure triangle for "Super,"  
VBaseObject is not an option.

Does Valentina 1.11 work with RB 2005? If so, what do I rename  
"VBaseObject" to?



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