split to words and db in Ram

John W. Miescher miescher at bizdata.com
Tue Aug 9 07:51:55 CDT 2005

Dear Ruslan,
>> Thanks for the explanation. I find splittowords indeed very useful in

>> conjunction with my proximiy search alias soundex routine (which is 
>> absent from Valentina) because it pre-sorts and also removes 
>> duplicates faster than RB would.


>You mean you use some RB plugin that do soundex ?

No, I rolled my own using clever REGEX + Valentina's capability to
handle letters with/without accents.
I prefer to call it proximity search because its purpose is to help
overcome orthographical deficiencies. You type 'abble' and it comes back
suggesting alternatives like 'separable', 'apple' or 'Apfel' in German.
In our case the searched field contains lines of text rather than just a

It would probably be an easy thing for you to include such a feature in
a near future release.

rgs,  john m.

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