V4RB, what people think about switch to Macho ?

jda jda at his.com
Mon Aug 8 19:25:39 CDT 2005

>On Aug 8, 2005, at 5:00 PM, jda wrote:
>>>I seem to have difficulty compiling my projects using Macho ? Windows
>>>icons and other issues seem to get mucked up. Consequently I'm still
>>>using Carbon/PEF. Probably this has nothing to do with V4RB though.
>>Just for the heck of it I compiled my RB app as MACHO. It quits 
>>immediately on launch (on bounce or so) with no crash log. What 
>>else do I need to do to get it to launch? I thought PEF shared 
>>libraries work with MACHO. Must they be in the same bundle (i.e. 
>>not in CFMSupport)?
>I'm using the current V4Rb plugin in a Mach-O application.  You 
>might check the console log to see if there is some information. 
>This is the sort of thing that happens when an external function 
>declares to a nonexistent library.

Hm, I do have my own shared library. I have it in the same folder as 
my app -> crash (with MACHO). I then opened the bundle and placed it 
there -> crash. Maybe it has to go in a specific folder in the 
bundle? Charles, do you use any third party plug-ins? If so, where do 
you put them for a MACHO app?



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