[V4RB2] VText search speed
Kem Tekinay
ktekinay at mactechnologies.com
Mon Apr 25 09:26:22 CDT 2005
On 4/25/05 5:16 AM, Ruslan Zasukhin at sunshine at public.kherson.ua wrote:
> It needs study more deep your db to say something.
I'm not sure what else I can say. Here is the constructor for the table:
name = "MessageText"
fldMessageType = new VString( "MessageType", 8, EVFlag.fNone )
fldMessage = new VText( "Message", 1024, EVFlag.fIndexed +
EVFlag.fIndexByWords )
Here is the constructor for the database:
VDatabase( inStorageType )
tblEmail = new VTbl_Email
tblAttachment = new VTbl_Attachment
tblHeader = new VTbl_Header
tblAccount = new VTbl_Account
tblMessageText = new VTbl_MessageText
linkAccountEmails = new VBinaryLink( "linkAccountEmails", tblAccount,
tblEmail, _
EVLinkType.kOne, EVLinkType.kMany, EVOnDeletion.kCascade )
linkEmailAttachments = new VBinaryLink( "linkEmailAttachments",
tblEmail, _
tblAttachment, EVLinkType.kOne, EVLinkType.kMany, _
EVOnDeletion.kCascade )
linkEmailHeaders = new VBinaryLink( "linkEmailHeader", tblEmail, _
tblHeader, EVLinkType.kOne, EVLinkType.kMany, _
EVOnDeletion.kCascade )
linkEmailMessage = new VBinaryLink( "linkEmailMessage", tblEmail, _
tblMessageText, EVLinkType.kOne, EVLinkType.kMany, _
EVOnDeletion.kCascade )
me.CollationAttribute( EVColAttribute.kStrength ) =
Here is the search code:
dim bs, bs1 as VBitSet
dim d as Date
dim dateStrStart, dateStrEnd as string
dim li as new LocaleInfo
dim startSecs, endSecs as double
dim words(), word as string
startSecs = microseconds
term = term.trim
if term = "" then
zIterator = new My_VIterator( zEmailTbl.SelectAllRecords, zEmailTbl )
select case mnuSearchField.Text
case "Subject"
bs = zEmailTbl.fldSubject.FindContains( term )
case "Content"
if term.InStr( " " ) = 0 then
bs1 = gDB.tblMessageText.fldMessage.FindContains( term )
while term.InStr( " " ) > 0 // double-spaces with single spaces
term = term.ReplaceAll( " ", " " )
words = term.Split
bs1 = gDB.tblMessageText.SelectAllRecords
for each word in words
bs1 = gDB.tblMessageText.fldMessage.FindContains( word, bs1 )
next word
end if
bs = gDB.linkEmailMessage.FindLinked( bs1, gDB.tblMessageText,
zEmailTbl )
case "To"
bs = zEmailTbl.fldAddressTo.FindContains( term )
case "From"
bs = zEmailTbl.fldAddressFrom.FindContains( term )
case "Date Sent"
if parseDate( term, d ) then
d.TotalSeconds = d.TotalSeconds - li.LocationGMTDelta
dateStrStart = d.V_DateTimeStr
d.TotalSeconds = d.TotalSeconds + ( 24 * 60 * 60 )
dateStrEnd = d.V_DateTimeStr
bs = zEmailTbl.fldDateSentGMT.FindRange( true, dateStrStart,
dateStrEnd, false )
end if
case "Date Received"
if parseDate( term, d ) then
d.TotalSeconds = d.TotalSeconds - li.LocationGMTDelta
dateStrStart = d.V_DateTimeStr
d.TotalSeconds = d.TotalSeconds + ( 24 * 60 * 60 )
dateStrEnd = d.V_DateTimeStr
bs = zEmailTbl.fldDateReceivedGMT.FindRange( true, dateStrStart,
dateStrEnd, false )
end if
end select
if bs = nil then bs = zEmailTbl.SelectNoneRecords
zIterator = new My_VIterator( bs, zEmailTbl )
end if
endSecs = microseconds
lbMail.Reset( zIterator.RecordCount )
bs = nil
bs1 = nil
fldSearchTime.Text = format( ( endSecs - startSecs ) / 1000000, "#,0.000"
) + " secs"
Also, I am using a 50 MB cache. Increasing it to 150 MB did not seem to make
a difference.
As I said, for the 42,000 records in the Email table, all the searches are
very fast, usually less than 0.2 seconds. For the 57,000 records in the
MessageText table, each single-word search takes about 2.5 seconds.
Kem Tekinay (212) 201-1465
MacTechnologies Consulting Fax (914) 242-7294
545 Eighth Avenue, Suite 401 Pager (917) 491-5546
New York, New York 10018 http://www.mactechnologies.com
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