Odd Errors returned

Chuck Neal chuck at mediamacros.com
Thu Apr 14 08:02:32 CDT 2005

How exactly does an "end of file" error translate to a database update? 
  What does that mean?  Is there a problem with executing hundreds of 
SQL commands in a repeat loop like this?  As mentioned it only does it 
on larger record sets.  I can take any number of smaller sub sets of 
this data and it works fine.

Chuck Neal
CEO, MediaMacros, Inc.
chuck at mediamacros.com
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Ruslan Zasukhin wrote:
> On 4/14/05 12:10 AM, "Chuck Neal" <chuck at mediamacros.com> wrote:
>>I have a project that has an export feature where it clones records to a
>>new temp database.  It basically loops through the records and copies
>>the content out and fills it back in the new file.  For images I import
>>into a Director cast member then put it back in the second DB.  Its not
>>running out of RAM but on certain larger sets of records I start getting
>>errors over and over.  This is one query that works for the first 30 or
>>so but after starts this...
>>UPDATE ids SET max_record = 275 WHERE table_name = 'technique_image'
>>-39 No error
>>Error is -39 but it says no error.
> -39 this is end of file error.
>>Another in the loop is this..
>>UPDATE ids SET max_record = 278 WHERE table_name = 'technique_image'
>>This gives me an error 301
>>Any idea why it starts?  Is it just bad to do too many DB changes in loops?
> Both this commands are for second new db ?
> Actually both of them talk about corruption.
> Many changes should work with no problems Chuck.
> It is hard to say something more without project.

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