[V4RB 0000631]: VBitSet and VArraySet cannot use Union,
Difference, Intersection, etc.
Ruslan Zasukhin
sunshine at public.kherson.ua
Mon Apr 4 18:15:10 CDT 2005
On 4/4/05 4:55 PM, "Kem Tekinay" <ktekinay at mactechnologies.com> wrote:
>> Kem, but NOT exists just a Vset.
>> Vset -- this is abstract class. You cannot have objects of Vset class.
>> You can have only objects of VBitSet or VArraySet.
> Didn't you just tell me, in an e-mail this morning, that the way to use
> Union was to assign it to a VSet??? In fact, you wrote:
I have told that Union() returns Vset.
This is very logical, because Union() works for both, VBitSet and VArraySet.
So we return the Vset class which is parent of both.
Best regards,
Ruslan Zasukhin
VP Engineering and New Technology
Paradigma Software, Inc
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