V4RB Select Problem

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Sun Sep 19 13:54:34 CDT 2004


I've working on Selects in V4RB and have come up with a curious problem. The
select query is as follows:

SELECT Last_PreferredName, Age01_Years From Students WHERE Age01_Years > 11

When the records are returned, they give me all records where Age01_Years is
actually greater than 12 (13,14,15,16,etc.). If I use:

SELECT Last_PreferredName, Age01_Years From Students WHERE Age01_Years > 15

The select will return all records where the age is greater than 16 and miss
all the sixteen year olds.

Age01_years is a Method field which is calculated correctly and appears in
the list correctly, but the select returns as if it is one number higher.
The Method field is a Float field but it does the same thing if the field is
a Short field.

This would seem to be a bug in the Select Query if using a method. If using
a standard Short field, the select returns the correct amount of records. It
only occurs when a Method field is used. Has anybody else seen this problem?

Cindy Brown

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