[V4RB] RecID & picture fields
Pedro fp
lists at pedro.Net.au
Fri Sep 10 14:33:18 CDT 2004
G'day Folks
Thanks for replies thus far.
On 09/09/2004, at 5:04 PM, Francois Van Lerberghe wrote:
> RecID is not an uMediumField. It's an ULongField.
> Try this :
> dRow( i ).itemData = data.ULongField( "RecID" ).value
That was plain daft of me. I tried ULongField on a punt just after I
sent my question & that worked :)
> This code seems to be correct. I think you must test nil objet before.
> Try this :
> dim tempPicture As Picture
> dim pictureField As VPicture
> tempPicture = data.PictureField( "photo" )
> if pictureField <> nil
> tempPicture = pictureField.GetPicture
> end if
> if tempPicture <> nil then
> dRow( i ).icon = tempPicture
> end if
> Have you set the currentPosition to the record you want to retrieve?
Yes. The block of code accessing my cursor is ...
b = data.firstRecord()
for i = 1 to data.recordCount ' Loop through the cursor to
populate lists.
dRow( i ) = new dataRow
dRow( i ).itemData = data.uLongField( "RecID" ).value
dRow( i ).icon = data.PictureField( "photo" ).getPicture ' Set
photo icon.
s(0) = data.stringField( "salutation" ).getString
s(1) = data.stringField( "givenName" ).getString
s(2) = data.stringField( "surname" ).getString
dRow( i ).name = s
dRow( i ).payrollNumber = data.stringField( "payNumber"
b = data.nextRecord()
Now that the line getting the RecID is fixed the only part not working
is the line getting the picture.
>> me.fPhoto.setPicture( withFile.openAsPicture, 80 )
> You could test nil object with withFile.openAsPicture, just in case...
I have tried that but it hasn't made any difference. I'm now convinced
that the problem is in getting the pictures into the database. When a
new database is created the blob file is 100 KB. After importing a
folder containing 329 files totaling 18.5 MB the blob file is still 100
The method importing the files, with the test for nil on
withFile.openAsPicture & also with the test for the file being a JPEG
moved into that method, again is ...
Function newPersonFromJPEG( withFile As folderItem ) As integer
dim dataString As string, iDate As new date, i, ln As integer, gt As
dim temp As picture
if withFile.type = "image/jpeg" then
' do the stuff
dataString = left( withFile.name, len( withFile.name ) - 4 )
writeLog "dataString: " + dataString
gt = winMain.mDatabase.tGlobals
ln = gt.lastAdded + 1
me.fLine.value = ln
me.fDateAdded.set( iDate.year, iDate.month, iDate.day )
for i = 0 to 1
me.fName( i ).value = titlecase( nthField( dataString, " ", i + 1
) )
if countFields( dataString, " " ) > 2 then
me.fPayNumber.value = nthField( dataString, " ", 3 )
end if
temp = withFile.openAsPicture
if temp <> nil then
me.fPhoto.setPicture( temp, 80 )
end if
me.fLastModified.setDate( iDate.year, iDate.month, iDate.day )
me.fLastModified.setTime( iDate.hour, iDate.minute, iDate.second )
gt.lastAdded = ln
writeLog "Imported!"
return 1
return 0
end if
End Function
Once again, any clues? It's important that I sort this one as the
images are the primary data in this project.
Concerning Erne's suggestion that I need to convert to PICT first. The
RB Language Reference clearly state that openAsPicture opens any image
file that QuickTime can handle as a PICT so I don't believe that's the
Cheers, Pedro :-)
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