Valentina Xtra Error - Appears After 10 Mins???!!

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Mon Sep 6 16:57:27 CDT 2004

>At 16:19 06.09.2004, you wrote:
>>Where can I register the Xtra? I've tried following links on the website,
>>which eventually take me to However, I can't seem
>>to find the product listed within their online store?
>Very strange, I searched for it too and couldn't find it either.
>The site is really confusing and the search form does not return
>any results. No "valentina" product found, after 10 minutes I gave up.
>German users can buy the product here:
>which is very easy and fast, but for international users it's
>terrible, sorry to say that. I thought that it was Kagi who handled
>that, but they must have changed it.
>Ruslan, can you say something about that?

The link to Kagi works fine for me:

Nova's site is indeed a tragedy.


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