Know if a records locked

Barney barney at
Wed Sep 1 15:56:07 CDT 2004

Is there any way we can just NIL all cursors in a project.

I've been right through my project, searched everywhere and nil'ed all
cursors after use.

I have built a little window constantly tracking how many objects and
references in RB memory there are to Vcursor objects in my project at any
one time.

Even when there are NO Vcursor objects or references to them, still there is
something somewhere preventing me from deleting a record set,  it only ever
deletes the first record, I have been chasing this for literally days !

Is there any way we can just NIL or delete all cursors from memory to
completely clear the slate while the program is running ?

Might it have been easier to have the default cursor with No Locks so all
existing code worked in the same way when making the transition from
the old plugins to the new server plugins ?

Thank you


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