I need speed

Sean Mancuso seanmancuso at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 29 11:26:40 CDT 2004

Hello list,
I´m having a bit of a speed problem working on a
project where the computer has to generate the
starting 11 players of a football team:

repeat with I = 1 to 16
   tt = 0
fx = "select * from Table WHERE club 
= "&"'"&avversario&"'"&" AND Titstatus = "&0&" AND
Ruolo > "&d1&" AND 
Ruolo < "&d2&" AND Side LIKE "&drs[I]&" ORDER BY
Ability Desc"
gMyCursorP = new( xtra "VCursor", GetRef(gMyDBP), fx) 

recordsT1 = GetRecords(gMyCursorP)
end repeat

I need to use the * in the selection, but the cursor
has to be created 16 times for team and there are 40
teams, on a Pentium4 2.4 MHz it takes about 75
seconds, would you have any tips to do the same thing
a bit faster ?

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