[off-topic] REVOLUTION IN UKRAINE // Election Perspective?

Ivan Smahin IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua
Tue Nov 23 12:04:15 CST 2004

Hello everybody,

     You see - this is not quite usual behaviour for traditional ukrainian people
     to be so active. Just note - over 150 000 people on the streets in Kiev.
     I think this is common for each city of Ukraine today!
     It's really unbelievable!
     People really HATES the criminal power.

     Another facts:
     1. No one from officials comments the situation.
     2. Putin (KGB colonel in the past) congratulates
        Yanukovich ( twice!!! violent convict in the past) as elected President of
     2. President (Kuchma) seems to be unhelpful criminal person.
        It's shame for Ukraine but it is.
        (I recall you that he was being suspected of crime, including murders)
     3. Most of people have no information. "Euronews" (not very popular media here)
        get us much more information then almost all native TV-channels.
     4. Don't think about internet as information source. Just about 2% of people
        has got such ability. We have some TV-channels which are getting to be honest
        but power trying to block ones.

        Meanwhile I believe for peaceful issue. Some people in the army and
        police reject to execute a criminal orders.
        Welcome to the Ukraine. :(
Best regards,
 Ivan                            mailto:IvanSmahin at public.kherson.ua

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