"Wron Expresssion" error on nested query

Frank Bitterlich bitterlich at gsco.de
Tue Nov 9 16:06:59 CST 2004

I get a 616 error ("Wrong Expression") on the following query:

select * from NAVAIDS where (((LAT1<=28.60547) and (LAT1>=27.63281)) 
and ((LON1>=-80.01172) and (LON1<=-78.43359))) or (((LAT2<=28.60547) 
and (LAT2>=27.63281)) and ((LON2>=-80.01172) and (LON2<=-78.43359)))

All fields (LAT1, LON1, LAT2, LON2) are VDouble.

What can be the reason? Is the query too long, or too deeply nested? I 
have counted the parentheses, they appear to match. Or is there any 
stupid mistake that I'm overlooking?

V4RB 1.11, RB 5.5.4, OS X 10.3.5



Günter Schmidt & Co. oHG
Frank Bitterlich             eMail: bitterlich at gsco.de
Schlosserstr. 4              WWW:   http://www.gsco.de/
D-60322 Frankfurt            Tel.:  069 / 156809-29
GERMANY                      Fax:   069 / 156809-28

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