V4MD WIN 2.0 b1. Wanted?
Martin Kloss
martin.kloss at gmx.de
Thu May 13 12:38:22 CDT 2004
At 12:11 13.05.2004, you wrote:
>Director developers, please share info about Director and Unicode to us.
>What news?
nothing yet and the next version of director will take some time...
>What promises from Macromedia?
none, developers have been asking for unicode support for a long
time, so far without success, they're afraid to touch the text engine :-(
>What workarounds?
like gregoire said, use a flash object, but that helps only for displaying
>Any other Xtra can use at least UTF8?
that wouldn't help much, you'd have to get the text into director
at some point. it might work with already existing xml files, but
not for user input.
Martin Kloss
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