V4RB Sockets, Threads and Windows Crashes

Cindy Brown cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com
Wed Mar 31 22:06:24 CST 2004

Hi Ruslan,

It appears that I might have victory at last. In my assessments database, as
per the last email, I have a varbinary field. I had put this in for future
use but I don't require it at present. So I deleted the varbinary field
altogether. I have now run the clients and the server, both together,
entering over 600 entries on both clients at exactly the same time and it
has run without a hitch. Looks like the varbinary field is what was causing
my last lot of problems and with the removal of this, the database is
working perfectly.

I would suggest that there must be either a problem with the varbinary field
or there is a problem with reading data from a string into a varbinary field
(in fact I had no data in that field at all).

I will test this further after removing all varbinary fields from my
databases and see if this fixes the problem completely but at this stage,
fingers crossed, it all seems to be going fine.

All the best.

Cindy Brown

> On 3/31/04 10:58 AM, "Cindy Brown" <cindy at kowhaiprogramming.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm still struggling with the windows version of my server/workstation. I
>>>> am
>>>> running a simple test where I create 244 records on my workstation and send
>>>> them across to the server. Every time it gets to record 211, the server
>>>> just
>>>> quits. 
>>> So crashes YOUR server, but not client, yes?
>> Firstly it crashes the server. I can then run the server again and it will
>> keep working for a while before it crashes again. When I then run it to the
>> second workstation, it crashes the client completely.
> What means 
>   "When I then run it to the second workstation"
> ?
> You mean when second client CONNECT to server?
> And in this case crashes client ???
> Weird.

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