Help Again Please

Michael de Haan mdeh at
Tue Mar 23 21:56:27 CST 2004


Still having a hard time with the issue of inserting a new record into 
a table (VRB4):

2 Questions immediately come to mind.


The indexes in the array are numbered 0,1,2 etc ie zero based.

So, using :1,:2,:3 in the "Values" statement is Correct?

as in --->
((VALUES (:1, :2, :3) &

dim Binds(-1) as String
Binds.append '12123'
Binds.append 'bu'
Binds.append '23' ))


  Please help with the line;

db.SqlExecute( mySQL, Binds )

In the ref (VALENTINA for REALbasic Reference), this is shown as:

  SQLExecute( Query as String, [Binds() as String] ) as Integer.

When I try and write the line "db.SqlExecute( mySQL, Binds )" it will 
not execute unless it is written as a function that returns an integer, 
(that is the error message generated if no integer variable is 

as in RecCount=db.SqlExecute( mySQL, Binds ).

So, what does compile, but still does not work is the following:

RecCount=myDB.sqlExecute(mySqL, theArray)

where mySqL is

"INSERT INTO iCpts ( cCode, cDesc, cVal ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)"

and theArray is

0    '12123'
1     'bu'

etc etc

I have tried :

-- changing the values of VALUES to :0 etc :1 etc
-- removing the double quotations on either end of the mySqL string

Not sure what to try next?


 > Ruslan,
 > Is there any obvious reason to you why this syntax is not working?
 > RecCount=myDB.sqlExecute(MySQL)
 > where MySQL is:
 > "INSERT INTO iCpts ( cCode, cDesc, cVal ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3) binded
 > with { "12123","bu","23"}"
Yes. Must be:
mySQL = "INSERT INTO iCpts ( cCode, cDesc, cVal ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3)"
And later, I assume you use V4RB:
dim Binds(-1) as String
Binds.append '12123'
Binds.append 'bu'
Binds.append '23'

db.SqlExecute( mySQL, Binds )
I.e. Binds is true array of strings.
 > and where
 > iCpts is a table name
 > cCode, cDesc, cVal are the field description
 > as in .........
 > CodeC=new vString("cCode", 8)
 > DescC=new vVarChar("cDesc", 504)
 > cVal=new vString("cVal", 2)

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